Whole Healing Wellness Services
Anti-inflammatory treatments:
Evaluates absorption of vitamins and minerals along with presence of heavy metals - Celluma
LED light therapy to promote healing, decrease inflammation from minor muscle aches, joint inflammation including TMJ, arthritis and joint stiffness.
- Infrared Light
Proven effective for over eighty years in reducing inflammation by increasing blood flow. Helpful in treating sinus discomfort and TMJ pain.
- Rezzi-Max
Wavelength technology, including scaler waves, used to reset meridian systems and energy centers. Helpful in treating TMJ pain.
- Zyto scan
An FDA approved scan to assist in maintaining health and wellness. Information is obtained in order to improve immune system, hormonal, endocrine and digestive balance and inflammatory triggers. Evaluates a connection between oral health, specific teeth and other body systems.
- Chi Machine
Helpful to those with concussion history. - Nano-herb light
Decreases inflammation associated with tooth pain. - AMI 750
Sound therapy to reduce general pain and inflammation while promoting body balance in immune, respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems
- Tennant Meter and Ozone
Can be used individually or in combination with other therapies to reduce tooth pain. - IMAET
A device to assess energy imbalances such as allergies, emotional trauma and immune challenges.